24 Hours of San Antonio Fun Feature

Editorial Design

Believe it or on, this entire feature package was planned, assigned, art directed, and built from my bed. During a season of my life when I was practically bed-ridden for almost 6 months, I was blessed to continue to work even though I had to work from a lying down position. I had a lot of help from San Antonio Magazine's editor-in-chief, Kathleen Petty, and from the photographer who captured the opener for this feature, Josh Huskin. In the end, it may not be my strongest work, but I enjoyed working on it and it stands as a reminder of something I was able to accomplish despite my circumstances.

Tools Used

Adobe InDesign


Publication: San Antonio Magazine
Story: Kathleen Petty, Jacey Blue Renner and Jill Robbins
Opener Photo: Josh Huskin

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Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story
Magazine spread of 24 hours of San Antonio fun story