Melting Mickey Orlando Weekly Cover

Cover — Editorial Design

In another climate change oriented story, the brief stated that we need a way to represent Mickey Mouse, the likeness of which has recently entered public domain, melting in the heat. This was meant to convey the grueling conditions Disney staff have to work in as the heat index has climbed in recent years.

Rather than leaning on a digital illustration alone, which would probably achieved the goal similarly, I decided to take a new tool for a test run. Having always been interested in 3D design, but being detrimentally stubborn about overcoming the learning curves of softwares like Blender, I was very curious about the promise that Womp3D presented. As a tool for 3D design, built with ease-of-use in mind, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to test it's capabilities. I can happily say that it surpassed my expectations. Despite having never used this tool, within 2 days of playing around with it I was able to achieve the design that would become this cover.

Tools Used

Topaz Gigapixel AI
Adobe Photoshop


Publication: Orlando Weekly
McKenna Schueler

More Images
3D composition depicting a melting Mickey Mouse
3D composition depicting a melting Mickey Mouse
3D composition depicting a melting Mickey Mouse
Cover for Orlando Wekly depicting a melting Mickey
Cover for Orlando Wekly depicting a melting Mickey
Cover for Orlando Wekly depicting a melting Mickey